
 I found this lovely men's shirt in my local second hand , it's 100 % egyptian cotton and has beautiful claret color. At first I thought to make simple shirt from it but after watching Assos site I knew that dress will be much better choice .

 Shirt Before

 100 % egyptian cotton, size XXL


How to sew a dress ❔


let's start with cutting

  cut bottom of the dress from shirt
from upper part of shirt sew top 



measure your waist and cut elastic using your measurements

 How do you sew an elastic waistband ❔


 let's play with elastic



 pin elastic to skirt , stretch and sew 




and again pin elastic to top , stretch and sew 



 now it's time for neckline , sew the tunnel and elastic into it



 same thing do in sleeves



all together it should look like on this  photo




 Ready dress


 Ready dress with and off shoulder

whole dress looks like this , it's very comfy

Shirt Before and Dress After




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